In case of any technical issue found in online fee payment, such as

  • During the online payment through a credit or debit card, if the payment gets debited and the internet goes down due to some external server malfunction or any other similar happening,.
  • The system fails to generate the required acknowledgement due to an internet malfunction.
  • The payment gets deducted from the payer’s account and does not reach the institute’s account, or the payment gets debited twice due to a server error.

We shall not be responsible in any case until the course fee paid by the student or parent is credited to the bank account of the institute. If credited into our account, the refund policy will be applicable as per the institute norms.

Easy Exit Policy

  • Preamble
    In an endeavor to safeguard the interest of students at large, the Company has formulated this Policy to provide easy exit option to students including facing severe stress.
  • Purpose
    This policy is framed as per the requirement of Order No. F.12(8) Edu.5/Coaching Ins/2015 dated January 4, 2016, which provides that “an easy exit option should be made available to students facing severe stress, i.e., a refund of the fee proportion to the period for which exemption is being sought.”. This policy aims at establishing criteria and procedures for the company to provide an easy exit option to eligible students.


Refund Policy

When student exit the course due to any reason, amount deducted will be:

Exit time Amt. Deducted
0-10 days Rs. 10000 + GST
11-20 days Rs. 20000 + GST
21-30 days Rs. 30000 + GST
31-40 days Rs. 40000 + GST
After 40 days No Refund

No amount will be refunded, if student not selected in competitive exam.

Exit Criteria

Student may exit from the Institute if students meet any one of the exit criteria provided below:

  1. If Student is suffered with depression, anxiety and not found competent to pursue the course further
  2. If Student is suffered with Mental retardation i.e. Intellectual disability, Psychotic disorders and not found competent to pursue the course further
  3. If Student suffered with severe stress due to course undergoing and not found competent to peruse the course further
Exit Process

If the institution finds any students suffering from severe mental stress or any kind of disorder, they will immediately send the student to a clinical psychologist for necessary treatment. If the psychologist suggests or refers the student to a psychiatrist for immediate treatment, and if he suggests the student not to continue the course further, the institution will refund the fee amount in proportion to the remaining duration. The institute will adjust the amount of GST/service tax, processing fees, cost of study material, etc. The student has to execute a full and final settlement note with the institute.

Review of the Policy

The Company may review and amend this policy from time to time.

Legal Matter/Dispute

Any legal matter or dispute related to the fee refund is subject to Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) jurisdiction only.

Team Brilliant only handles refund cases through emails. No phone calls are entertaining for the refund process.